Describe two or more characters from the chapters 10-15 of "James an the Giant Peach". How do they relate to James? Include quotes from the book to support your statements.
Students will reflect and respond to various Humanities topics through a four or more sentence post about a given question or topic.
Miss Spider is friendly. She made hammocks. She asked James."How do you like your bed?" asked Miss Spider. Ladybug is kind. She talked to James about the peach falling and rolling. "Would you like me to take you under my wing?" said the Ladybug.
James met some new friends. Miss Spider is friendly. She also made hammocks for every body and she asked James "How do you like your bed?". The Centipede is Angry and he wants to go to bed so he makes James take off his boots. The Lady Bug is kind and she talks to James about the peach falling and rolling down the hill. She asked James "would you like me to take you in my wings." All of James friends are so very kind to him.
Miss Spider is friendly to James. She made hammocks for everyone. She asked James "How do you like your bed?" The Centipede is angry. He wants to go to bed. The Glow worm is keeping him up. Ladybug is kind. She talked to James about the peach rolling. The Ladybug said "Would you like me to take you under my wing?"
I think chapters 10 to 15 were very intriguing. One other thing I learned is that the charters are deep on a whole different level. One way they are deep is the ability for all of the insects to help James when he almost fainted. The one that I think that helped the most is the Lady bug. "Never your mind" said the Ladybug.
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